Saturday, November 24, 2007

Defining moments sometime last for one to two months in which due to the vagaries of
stock market, millions could be lost.

For eg, take a look at ntap stock price in the 60 day period from 21 Aug 00
thru 23 Oct 00
21 Aug 00 closing was 101
23 Oct 00 closing was 122
18 Sep closing was 147
16 Oct was 148.

Anytime during this period of 2 months, ntap options would be worth 400k (at 101)
to 972k. Say an average of $750k.

However that opurtunity to sell atleast some forward looking option was missed
and for the remaing time i had stayed in the company which as of today is 100 months
that oppurtunity never arose.

Moral: When due the vagaries of market, if the value of what you hold sky rockets in a very
short period of time, protect atleast part of your profit.

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